Leaving a single player table after chips have been placed, but before the Deal or Spin has taken place, will result in bets being returned. When possible, incomplete table games will be played out on your behalf, using the best possible strategy that does not require more funds. If a player does not log in to complete the game within 24 hours, we will close the game as dictated by the game provider: some providers may know the outcome of the game up to the point of disconnection, others may know the final outcome, and others may refund the original bet. Some, however, do not have this capability and must register a forfeit for the unfinished portion of the game. Many Slot games are able to finalise an incomplete game by making random selections in bonus rounds and playing out any pending Free Spins on your behalf. Any incomplete single player games that are not completed within 24 hours of the game creation will be automatically finalised by the system as described below.